The land of Egypt was blessed by the visit of the Holy Family a few years before the beginning of the AD history (according to calendar's calculation). The story of the Holy Family started with the census of the people that took place in year 7 AD during the reign of Caesar Augustus, according to the Roman documents. The census occurred in Bethlehem and during which Jesus Christ was born. When Herod issued a command that all male children two years old and younger, in and around Bethlehem, are to be put to death, the angel of the Lord ordered the Holy Family to escape from Nazareth to the land of Egypt. The places visited by the Holy Family in Egypt is documented according to the manuscript (Mimar) of Pope Theophilus 23 (318-412) and according to the tradition of the Coptic Church.
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According to the manuscript (Mimar) of Pope Theophilus 23
According to the tradition of the Coptic Church
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